Does acupuncture hurt?
Typically, patients report that they feel nothing at all. If there is a pain, it is about as bad as a mosquito bite, and it only lasts a millisecond. When the needles are in, if you hold still, you won't feel them at all. We think you'll find it as the most relaxing 15 minutes of your day.
Does getting a chiropractic adjustment hurt?
Our doctors have the ability to understand your pain tolerance based on your symptoms, evaluation results, and personal preference. We can be super gentle, or we can use more pressure. All techniques will be targeting areas that MAY be sensitive to the touch. It might feel uncomfortable in the half second the adjustment is happening. However, our intentions are always to help you, and we are skilled professionals.
Can I use my insurance?
Yes. Our providers are in network with many insurance companies. For services that are eligible for chiropractic coverage, our office will submit the claims for payment by your insurance company. As the beneficiary of your insurance, you can call the customer service number on your insurance card and a representative can talk you through your specific plan and coverage. That way you know what your insurance covers, and what you may be responsible for paying, ahead of time.
What if I don't have insurance?
No problem! Our services are very affordable to anyone, with or without insurance. We offer a time-of-service discount to those people who would rather self-pay. Call our clinic for specific information.
Does your clinic treat children?
Absolutely! We have the experience and knowledge to treat ANY age of human. We have treated patients as young as 4 days old, up to 102 years old, and everything in between.
How long will my appointments take?
This is a tough question, but we can give you general averages. Typically on the first day, it may take 30-45 minutes. If you have several areas to discuss with us, it may elongate your visit (more like 45 minutes.) For a regular appointment, it may take 10-15 minutes. If you are getting acupuncture or muscle therapy, it would be an additional 15 minutes (so total 30 minutes.) At Acu-Plus, we value time. Therefore, we optimize our procedures for best efficiency, so we don't take up any more of your time than necessary.
Do I have to keep coming back after I go to the chiropractor?
When you use chiropractic for pain relief and general wellness, by nature it requires repetition if you want to keep seeing results. Just like if you had strep throat, you would take a series of antibiotic pills to clear the infection; chiropractic care will take a series of treatments over a period of time to get you the results you need. Another example would be vitamins: you take them regularly to keep your body's nutrients at a high level. Chiropractic wellness is the same way: you must use it regularly to keep your body functioning well. Your specific number and timing of appointments will be determined after your evaluation.
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